Madrid 2024

Protecting supply chains in Spain against cargo thefts, minimising security risks, and building resilience

TAPA EMEA and ADSI – Asociación Directivos Seguridad Integral, Spain’s national association of security professionals, invite you to join us in Madrid on 9 October 2024 for a special local language conference discussing cargo security risks to national supply chains, and proven solutions to build supply chain resilience.

Cargo crime is a significant and growing risk to manufacturers and logistics providers in Spain, as it is in all leading economies across the EU. In the last 18 months, the TAPA EMEA Intelligence System (TIS) has recorded some 1,800 criminal attacks on supply chains across Spain – and losses for the 25% of these crimes stating a value of more than €48 million. Major product thefts from warehouse facilities, distribution centres, and modes of transport in Spain have recorded an average loss value over €665,000.

Join us in Madrid on 9 October 2024 for the latest updates on…

  • Cargo crime statistics and risks in Spain
  • Types of attacks on supply chains
  • Locations of cargo thefts
  • Types of goods targeted
  • M.O. used by organised criminals
  • How law enforcement and customs are working to reduce cargo thefts
  • How industry is collaborating to improve cargo security

We look forward to welcoming you in Madrid.

President & CEO
TAPA EMEA       


President ADSI

Madrid 2024
Madrid - 9 October 2024

Register now for securing supply chains in Spain

This event is free of charge and open to members of TAPA EMEA and ADSI, as well as non-member company representatives from the manufacturing, transport, and logistics sectors in Spain.

Delegate places are strictly limited. To request a delegate badge, please register now. All places are offered on a first come, first served basis.

We look forward to welcoming you in Madrid.

Register now