Session 3

Europol’s support to reducing cargo crime

As the official European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation, Europol helps EU Member States to combat all forms of serious organised crime, cybercrime, and terrorism, supporting thousands of international investigations annually. This includes the Agency’s strong commitment to reducing cargo crime in Europe.

In this update, TAPA EMEA delegates will learn more about the general threats the EU is facing from the perpetrators of Serious Organised Crime and hear Europol’s insights on property crime and cargo crime, including the effects on international cooperation between member states and cooperation possibilities between EUROPOL and the private sector.

Jens Liedhegener, Senior Specialist – Head of Team, European Serious & Organised Crime Centre (ESOCC), Property Crime at Europol has been a police officer since 1991, mainly in criminal investigations linked to homicide and organised crime in the Munich Police Headquarters. He has been working for Europol since 2020. 

Jens Liedhegener

Jens Liedhegener

Senior Specialist – Head of Team, Property Crime, Europol – European Serious & Organised Crime Centre (ESOCC)