Session 1


As TAPA EMEA heads towards its 25th anniversary in 2025, the Association’s presence in the Europe, Middle East & Africa region has never been greater nor more important.

The rise of cargo thefts across the region is unprecedented. 3-year data reported to the Association’s TIS database shows:

  • Over 76,500 recorded losses from supply chains
  • In some 100 countries in EMEA
  • Producing a total loss of >€1 billion
  • And an average loss for major thefts of €100K or more of >€975,000
  • Equalling thefts of cargoes worth >€929,000 every 24 hours since May 2021

These figures are even more extraordinary when it is realised that only 10.5% of all the crimes reported to TAPA EMEA share their financial loss values. More causes of disruption to supply chains are also producing more delays and congestion which creates a ‘feeding ground’ for organised crime groups (OCGs) targeting goods in facilities and during the transportation process, as well as a growing wave of small-time offenders often driven by the impact of the cost-of-living increases across Europe.

To respond to these mounting threats, the manufacturing, transport, and logistics sectors
need more intelligence, more support, and more solutions from their industry Association to align with their own in-house supply chain security programmes – and this is TAPA EMEA’s mission: to minimize losses from its members’ supply chains and to help build supply chain resilience.

So, how is TAPA EMEA meeting this objective?
This session will provide an update on TAPA EMEA’s focus and performance since the Association’s 2023 Annual Conference and provide an update on the range of benefits available for companies in the region as well as new initiatives currently in development.

The TAPA EMEA AGM will also report on the growth of the Association and how this is helping to fund ongoing improvements in TAPA EMEA’s security standards’ support, training, intelligence systems, and events. As always, it will also highlight how the TAPA EMEA Family can support the Association’s mission and enable the professional team in the region to better serve members’ needs.

Speakers bios:
Thorsten Neumann, President & CEO, TAPA EMEA, has 20 years’ experience in leadership roles in the Industrial Loss Prevention & Security industries. After joining the Transported Asset Protection Association’s (TAPA) Board of Directors in the Europe, Middle East & Africa (EMEA) region in 2003, he went on to serve as Chairman of TAPA EMEA between 2006 and 2019 before being appointed as the supply chain security and resilience Association’s first-ever full-time President & CEO in 2020. Thorsten is a NATO Civil Expert for Transportation, Communication & Cyber Threats. Earlier in his career, Thorsten spent 10 years with Motorola and 7 years with Nokia, initially as Head of Supply Chain Security and ultimately holding the position of Chief Security Operation Officer. Following the acquisition of Nokia in 2013, he joined Microsoft, holding Director roles in Europe and the United States.

Ap Boom is a former volunteer member of TAPA EMEA’s Board of Directors. In February 2021, he joined the Association’s new professional team in EMEA as Chief Financial & Compliance Officer after 20+ years in the security industry, holding senior security management roles in the retail and ICT services sectors. Ap’s supply chain security career started with TNT in 2009, later moving to DHL International. Prior to accepting his current post, he spent over four years with Amazon, latterly as Senior Manager EMEA Security & Loss Prevention.

Thorsten Neumann

Thorsten Neumann

President & CEO, TAPA EMEA

Ap Boom

Ap Boom

Chief Financial & Compliance Officer