Session 4

The weakest link – a ‘live hack’

This presentation aims to showcase: Live Hacking: Fascinating attacks demonstrated live.

IT is everywhere. The amount of connections among IT components is increasing at an explosive rate and thus the attack surface extends severely. Isn’t this the exact scenario hackers have always been dreaming of?

In his presentation. Founder and CEO of SySS GmbH, Sebastian Schreiber, will demonstrate a speed hacking live on stage to show how easy and fast the latest wireless alarm systems, electronic locking systems, and wireless presenters, as well as fingerprint secure USBs, can be hacked. He will show how paywalls can be outsmarted and thermostat- regulated IoT devices be manipulated.

SySS GmbH was founded in 1998 by computer scientist Sebastian Schreiber to offer high- quality security assessments. Today, SySS GmbH has a team of 160 employees, of which 110 are solely occupied with security and penetration testing on behalf of all kinds and sizes of companies. SySS attaches importance to the fact it is product-independent, as this is the only way to guarantee an objective provision of service. It only works in a consultancy role with the sole aim of helping customers increase the sustainability of their IT security.

Sebastian Schreiber studied physics, mathematics, business studies and computer science at the University of Tuebingen. He is the owner and Managing Director of SySS GmbH and is frequently present at national congresses and in the media as a high-demand expert in the field of IT security. He is a long-time and committed member of the
Association for Security in Business Baden Württemberg e.V. (ASW BW) and various other advisory councils.

Sebastian Schreiber

Sebastian Schreiber

Founder & Managing Director, Syss GmbH